Friday, March 28, 2025




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Thursday, 27 March 2008

Gilroy apartment complex feared retribution by the Sureño gang members.

23:33 | ,

About 10 police cars flooded a south Gilroy apartment complex late Wednesday night to stop a possible gang fight, police said. Two women and a man were arrested on weapons charges stemming from the incident.
About 11 p.m., somebody in the apartment complex called police to report about ten young adults hanging out in the carport between 160 and 180 Southgate Court - off Church Street just south of 10th Street - said officer Joseph Deras. The reporting party said the people had weapons and were possibly preparing for a fight.
Two patrol cars, including a canine unit, came up to the driveway a few minutes later, Deras said.
The officers "heard sounds of metallic hitting the ground," he said. "We didn't know if that was a gun or what."
One of the men in the group ran to a silver truck at the south end of the carport, through something inside, and then ran and hid behind another car, Deras said. The two officers called for backup.Soon, 10 police cars with more than 10 officers were at the scene holding the group at gunpoint, Deras said. Police found multiple weapons including folding knives, rebar, tire irons and shaved stabbing instruments on the ground next to particular men and women. Police arrested two Gilroy residents - a woman and the man who hid behind the car - and a female San Martin resident for weapons violations, Deras said. One of the women might also have been drinking and, as she was on probation, could be arrested for probation violation. Police did not have the names or ages of the arrestees as of 12:30 a.m. Thursday. Police let the rest of the group go after checking if they had outstanding warrants and giving them a verbal warning, Deras said. In addition, police "identified them for future reference." The whole group was suspected of having been part of the Sureño gang.Deras said that Southgate Court, though "densely packed," was full of working families and was not known to be a problem area.Time to time on weekends we're here for loud music or people have barbecues," he said. "That's primarily what we're down here for."
The street was packed with cars and families peered from behind curtains to watch the arrest. Some groups stood outside in the chill air to see the police at work. However, when approached for comment, people scurried inside their apartments and closed their doors, claiming they did not see anything.
When pressed, they said they could not talk because they feared retribution by the gang members.

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