Friday, March 28, 2025




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Tuesday, 18 March 2008

"major" Bloods crack cocaine operation in the Hilltop City

21:21 |

Arrests made in what police called a "major" crack cocaine operation in the Hilltop City are now being pursued in federal court.At least two members of the Bloods — a notoriously violent street gang known for running drug rackets in many major U.S. cities — were arrested recently for running a drug operation out of an apartment at 231 High St. Police seized more than $3,700 worth of crack split among 70 packets with a total weight of 23 grams. Police also found ammunition indicating those involved possessed guns at some point.Michelle Tillman, 35, resided at the High Street residence and was charged with one count of conspiracy to sell crack cocaine. She was released on $50,000 personal recognizance bail.
Charles Nelson, 21 of 473 Pennsylvania Ave., Apt. 43, Brooklyn, N.Y., was charged with one count of conspiracy to sell crack cocaine and one count of possession of crack cocaine with intent to sell. Tyree Everson, 18, of 611 Blake Ave., Brooklyn, N.Y., was also charged with one count of conspiracy to sell crack cocaine, one count of possession of crack cocaine with intent to sell and one count of sale of crack cocaine. Both Nelson and Everson were discovered to be members of the Bloods, police say, after review of information gathered during the course of the investigation.

Nelson and Everson were scheduled for probable cause hearings Friday, but before that date their cases were "nol prossed" and transferred to the U.S. Attorney's Office in Concord. U.S. Attorney Thomas Colantuono's office said until further notice no information about the case will be released as the case is under seal.
"Nelson and Everson were in Somersworth with the intention of selling crack cocaine and possibly opening a chapter (of The Bloods) here," according to a press release from the Somersworth Police Department.
Police Capt. David Kretschmar said the department has "no insight" about why these individuals chose Somersworth as a location to form a local chapter.
Four days elapsed before police notified the press about the arrests, which Kretschmar said was due to "the way the investigation was going."
He said there were elements of the investigation that had not been completed and to maintain the integrity of the investigation, information had to be withheld until a certain time.
Kretschmar did say there will be "more arrests down the road" related to this case.

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M!keB said...

That shit aint true.
I knew these guys and
they wasnt trying to start
their own chapter. They didnt even want anyone to know they were Bloods. One of wasnt even a Blood. I dont know if it matters anymore, but if you want to know more about them get at me. My names Mike Benitez. Free BEAST, FRANO, and BREAD. peace!


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