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Friday, 30 January 2009

Skunk told police he is the Renegade's "National Enforcer," and he goes around the country carrying out discipline.

19:21 |

Investigators on Wednesday morning arrested three suspected members of an alleged violent motorcycle gang, "The Renegades."Sgt. Danny Buie with Suffolk Police said his department, working with investigators in Chesapeake and North Carolina, discovered the motorcyle gang while investigating the alleged mob beating of a tattoo artist in Suffolk."It was an educational experience for me today," said Sgt. Buie.Sgt. Danny Buie said investigators with local, state and federal law enforcement agencies seized a room full of evidence from Renegade hangouts in Suffolk, Chesapeake, Elizabeth City, North Carolina and Hertford Co. North Carolina.
Police say the gang's clubhouse is in Elizabeth City.Sgt. Buie said police seized medieval looking weapons, an arsenal of guns, drugs, gang clothing, a statue of skulls with the leader's name, "Skunk," on the top skull and they also seized clothes belonging to Skunk's wife."She can't be a member of the gang, women can't be members, but she can wear the leather jacket with a patch that says she is the property of a gang member."On the back of the jacket it reads, "Property of Skunk," and police say that means it's strict hands off for the other Renegades.Sgt. Buie also says Skunk told police he is the Renegade's "National Enforcer," and he goes around the country carrying out discipline."If Skunk gets a call from somewhere else around the country and they have a problem, Skunk will travel to that area and try to resolve the situation through verbal negotiations, or as he says, 'physical negotiations,' whatever he has to do," said Sgt. Buie.Police say the three men, admitted they are with the Renegades and were actually very polite during their interrogations.The men who were arrested, Daniel Ray Justice, 41, William Jeffery Wolfe, 43, and Jerry Lynn Gurganuas, 52.

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