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Tuesday, 23 March 2010

Ducarme Joseph is one of the most dangerous men in Montreal.

04:02 |

Ducarme Joseph is, according to police, one of the most dangerous men in Montreal.
They said the self-described shop owner was actually a violent gang leader who, when asked about the gun attack that killed his two bodyguards last week, broke into a smile.Within 90 minutes of the attempt on his life, police testified, Joseph was meeting with a gang hitman to plot his revenge.
Police said that when they arrested him last week he was carrying voodoo prayers in his pocket and a list of things to do — which included finding pictures of the men who tried to kill him.A judge was sufficiently convinced Monday that Joseph should remain locked up for violating bail conditions that stemmed from a previous case.
Quebec court Judge Gilles Garneau said the evidence suggested Joseph and two fellow co-accused were a threat to public safety.
“There was a strong probability that they would attempt to identify the authors of this attack and a strong possibility that they’ll commit acts related to the incident,” Garneau said.Garneau made clear the men were being detained because they presented a danger to society and not to keep them safe from potential harm.
Joseph, 41, pleaded guilty Monday to violating bail conditions by associating with two men he had been ordered to avoid.
Dutroy Charlotin and Stevenson Fleurant, who took over as bodyguards after their two predecessors were gunned down last Thursday, also had their bail revoked.
The three had been free on bail after being charged with assault last year. Joseph was also charged with possession of a prohibited item — a black cylindrical object believed to be a gun silencer.
All three men have been ordered separated and won’t be allowed to mingle in jail, or to be in the presence of street-gang members.
Police described the store killings as a professional hit that could possibly be part of a war involving the Rizzuto crime family. They have floated other theories, including a settling of accounts by a rival street gang.
Both the Crown and defence lawyers said they were waiving the right to a publication ban on details of Monday’s bail hearing, which laid out a detailed account of Joseph’s supposed clout in the world of street gangs.
Montreal police street-gang expert Jean-Claude Gauthier, who testified as a witness, said Joseph has been known to authorities since 1986 as a member and, later, as leader of the 67 street gang, named for a bus route that runs through east-end Montreal.
Gauthier said that, in the last quarter-century, Joseph has been involved in a wide range of criminal cases: attempted murder, arson, assault, sexual assault, obstruction of justice, identity theft and inciting prostitution. He entered Joseph’s rap sheet as documented evidence.
“He’s one of the most dangerous figures in Montreal,” the police detective said.
Another witness, Montreal detective Pascal Leclair, testified that Joseph showed little sadness over the death of his bodyguards, Peter Christopoulos and Jean Gaston.
“He said it’s part of life and there’s nothing I can do about that,” Leclair said.
He said that when asked whether he feared he’d be next, Joseph smiled.

Gary Martin, Joseph’s lawyer, said the three co-accused simply had breakfast on Friday, then went to a meeting at the offices of a Montreal construction company to discuss funeral plans for their fallen comrades.
“Being a bad boy isn’t reason enough to keep him detained,” Martin argued.
Police testified that the construction company is owned by Antonio Magi. He is a former business partner to Nicolo Rizzuto Jr., who was gunned down last December in the same neighbourhood where police arrested Joseph.
Rizzuto was the son of Vito Rizzuto, the so-called head of Canada’s Mafia.
While police didn’t find any weapons on the trio, they did find a three-page document that included a to-do list. Those priorities included finding pictures of the gunmen, police said.
There were also voodoo prayers spelled out on the papers, police said.
Crown prosecutor Anne-Marie Otis said she was pleased that Joseph would stay behind bars until his assault trial in September, and that his $50,000 bail deposit would be seized.

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