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Wednesday, 6 April 2011

11 people arrested are allegedly members of the Forrest Hill Boyz, a gang

01:52 | ,

11 people arrested are allegedly members of the Forrest Hill Boyz, a gang that Moultrie Police Department officials said has a long history in the city.

“The ones that have been indicted were some of the worst ones we’ve had a problem with lately,” Moultrie Police Department Cmdr. Ben Morris, a member of the Southwest Georgia Gang Task Force, said in a telephone interview on Monday. “The Forrest Hill Boyz has been the most active and the most violent recently. It’s been around for a long time.”

The indictments include gang charges in the murders of Bernardino Perez and Alvin Hunt.

Perez, who also was known as Bernardino Perez Barcenas, 41, was found shot to death April 25, 2009, in a driveway on Sardis Church Road. Hunt, 26, was gunned down the night of July 2, 2010, outside Shy Manor Apartments.

Like most street gangs, Morris said the Forrest Hill Boyz are into a range of criminal activities, from selling drugs to auto break-ins to violent crimes like armed robbery and assaults.

“The streets have been a lot calmer since they’ve been indicted,” he said. “Since those 11 have been indicted, quite a bit of the serious crimes have dropped off.”

Morris said that he expects additional indictments to follow, some of which could be federal charges.

The gang charges, which make up 40 of the counts in the 80-count indictment, mean additional time upon conviction, he said, with additional sentences of three to five years or even more, depending on the severity of the underlying crime.

Indicted on the charges in the shooting death of Perez and an April 25, 2009, home invasion at 657 Circle Road in which two people were shot were:

• Tobias Demere Thomas, 23, 325 10th St. S.E.; Nyneson S. Jeudy and Alfonzo Knighton. In that fatal shooting they are charged with 24 counts violation of the Street Gang Terrorism and Prevention Act, felony murder, seven counts aggravated assault, three counts armed robbery, burglary, and seven counts possession of a firearm during the commission of a felony.

Indicted on charges in the shooting death of Hunt were:

• Thomas; Dontavious Reashaed Jackson, 15, 1015 Third St. S.E.; Robert Lee Fuller, 27, and Demetrius Tyshaun Daniels, 19. Those charges include four counts violation of the Street Gang Terrorism and Prevention Act, felony murder, aggravated assault and two counts possession of a firearm during the commission of a felony.

Indicted on charges in the July 9, 2010, robbery at Winn Dixie, 103 Talmadge Drive, were:

• Jackson; Danny D. Hill; Patrick Johnson, 21; Randarius Perry and Anwar Arnold, 20, 1130 16th St. S.E. Charges in the indictment were four counts violation of the Street Gang Terrorism and Prevention Act, armed robbery, aggravated assault and two counts possession of a firearm during the commission of a felony.

Indicted on charges in the July 20, 2010, shooting of Jimmy Myers were:

• Jackson, Thomas, Arnold and Willie Clyde Hightower Jr., 20. They are charged with eight counts of violating the Street Gang and Terrorism Prevention Act, armed robbery, burglary, two counts aggravated assault and five counts possession of a firearm during the commission of a felony.

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