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Friday, 11 July 2014

Mara Salvatrucha—or MS-13. Gang members left graffiti on the walls of the Nogales (Arizona) Border Patrol processing center

22:05 |

Mara Salvatrucha—or MS-13. Gang members left graffiti on the walls of the Nogales (Arizona) Border Patrol processing center, which suggested they had ties to the organization, Fox News contributor Katie Pavlich reported earlier this week. She discussed the alarming report this morning on America's Newsroom, explaining that some of the "unaccompanied minors" are actually teenage MS-13 or drug cartel members. According to current law, the Border Patrol cannot immediately send the teens back because they're under 18. "They're now using the Nogales processing center as a recruitment hub for new members to come in. They're trying to recruit other teenage boys that are sharing cells with them and they're using the phones that the Red Cross has set up. They're supposed to be using those to call back home or to call family members in the United States. They're also using those as a way to communicate with gang members already in U.S. cities," she said. Pavlich said the Border Patrol's hands are tied because they cannot separate the gang members from other children. She said according to her sources, these MS-13 members are scheduled for placement somewhere in the United States, adding that I.C.E policy has been to release illegal immigrants with a notice to appear at a hearing at a later date. Watch the full segment above and read Katie's newest report on this at Later on Happening Now, Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott said MS-13 gang members are also coming into Texas. "This is very, very dangerous," said Abbott, arguing that President Obama "is causing imminent harm and danger to the people of this country."

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