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Saturday, 26 March 2011

14 people, including six self-identified members of Saskatoon gang the Terror Squad, were arrested

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14 people, including six self-identified members of Saskatoon gang the Terror Squad, were arrested beginning Monday at the conclusion of a intensive five-month investigation that targeted gang-related crime. Collectively, they are facing more than 40 charges.

“The reputation of the Terror Squad has reverberated as a group that is untouchable by law enforcement,” said Saskatoon police Insp. Neil Wylie, head of the Saskatoon Combined Forces Special Enforcement Unit.

“That’s not the case. We’re going to use everything in our tool box to go after the Terror Squad or any other group like it.

“We’ve done a good job of dismantling or disrupting (the gang). . . . We went at the heart.”

The accused range in age from 17 to 45. Among the charges are trafficking a controlled substance (cocaine), possession of property obtained by the commission of a criminal offence, and directing or acting in association with a criminal organization. Police say one of those charged is a current high-ranking member of the Terror Squad.

Michael James McNab, 37, has been charged with conspiracy to commit an indictable offense and appeared in provincial court Thursday. Others charged, who have appeared in court, include Beverly Marie Fullerton, 28; Brendon Kyle Rabbitskin, 18; Christopher Douglas Cathcart, 24; Shawn Cory Hagley, 36; Devon Charles Napope, 23; Kyle William Regush, 25; Patrick Rene Walton, 26; and Abdifatah Mukhtar Salad, 26.

Also targeted in the investigation was the source of the gang’s drug supply. As a result, two other people were arrested and charged with conspiring to traffic cocaine and being a member of the criminal organization.

Insp. Jeff Bent said the gang has used intimidation to discourage victims and witnesses of crime to come forward to police. The five-month investigation was the result of a major coordinated effort that involved intensive monitoring and intelligence gathering. The Terror Squad is thought to have formed in 2006 in Saskatoon but has moved into Northern Saskatchewan in recent years, police said.

“We believe this investigation has taken their legs out from underneath them,” Bent said.

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