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Friday, 16 January 2009

Sentenced Gangster Disciple Danny Mitchell to 27 years in federal prison and 10 years of supervised release

00:43 |

Sentenced Danny Mitchell, 31, of 50th and Peoria streets in the Englewood neighborhood to 27 years in federal prison and 10 years of supervised release, according to a release from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.
Mitchell pleaded guilty on July 3, 2008, to conspiracy to distribute 3,600 grams of heroin and 300 grams of crack cocaine, and possession of firearms as a convicted felon, the release said.Between January 2004 and October 2006, Mitchell and other members of the Gangster Disciples sold crack cocaine and heroin under the brand name "Karma" on eight occasions to an undercover ATF agent, the release said.
Mitchell also asked the undercover agent if he could obtain any guns and agreed to provide crack cocaine and heroin in exchange for firearms, the release said. On Oct. 4, 2006, Mitchell met with the agent at 47th and Halsted, and viewed and inspected firearms in the agent's trunk. Hethen traded 4 1/2 ounces of crack cocaine for eight semi-automatic handguns. Mitchell attempted to escape arrest by ramming his vehicle into a vehicle occupied by two ATF Agents, but was apprehended. He has been in federal custody since his arrest. Mitchell, with three prior convictions for violent crimes and drug trafficking, was sentenced as a "career offender" on the drug charge and an "armed career criminal" on the firearms charge under federal laws that mandate non-paroleable sentences for repeate offenders, the release said. Three co-conspirators were also sentenced to prison by Judge Manning -- Terryon Cates to 46 months; Albert Jones to 151 months; and Cynthia Ford to 100 months, the release said. ATF Special agent in Charge Andrew Traver said: "It looks like Danny Mitchell's attempt to exchange crack cocaine for firearms turned out to create 324 months of really bad Karma for him. All of the cash he and his GD cohorts generated by selling brand-name narcotics won't do him much good in the federal prison system."

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