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Tuesday, 8 March 2011

$500,000 reward for the capture of two alleged members of the notorious Spanish Town-based Klansman gangs

10:50 | ,

E police yesterday put up a $500,000 reward for the capture of two alleged members of the notorious Spanish Town-based Klansman gangs.
The reward is being offered for Navardo Hodges, otherwise called 'Dee Jay' and Amal Roman, otherwise called 'Satan'.

These photographs, supplied by the Jamaica Constabulary Force yesterday, show Navardo Hodges (left) and Amal Roman.
"These gang members are considered armed and dangerous and should be approached with great caution. They are known to frequent the areas of Hopeful Village, Lakes Pen, March Pen Road, De la Vega City and Quarry Hill in Spanish Town and Portmore, St Catherine," the police said in a release yesterday.
Hodges, 21, is said to be of dark complexion, slim build and about 173 centimetres (5' 8") tall with thick lips. While, Roman is 24 years old, of dark complexion, slim build and about 183 centimetres (six feet) tall with scars to his chest, chin and right hand.
The police have urged persons with information as to their whereabouts to contact Kingfish at 811, Police Control at 119, and Crime Stop at 311.
The reward for capture of the alleged gang members came hours after the Jamaica Constabulary Force raised threat levels against its members to extremely high, especially in St Catherine, saying it had received reports of possible attacks from members of the gang said to be aligned to the Opposition People's National Party.
"Police personnel are being asked by the High Command to exercise great care while on and off duty and to take all necessary precautions to protect themselves and their colleagues from attacks," a statement from the police high command said.
The statement warned of imminent danger, especially in the St Catherine North, St Catherine South, and Clarendon police divisions where three men alleged to be key members of the gang — described as one of the deadliest in the country — were cut down over the weekend.
In the first incident on Saturday, alleged Klansman enforcer Donovan Topping, aka 'Don Topping', was shot dead by police in Manchester. A day later two other men were cut down and another injured during a gun battle between police and gunmen in Old Harbour, St Catherine.
Reports are that at about 1:00 pm, police went to Gutters in Old Harbour after receiving reports that a group of suspicious looking men were seen in the community.
The police alleged that on reaching the area they saw the group of men who opened fire at them.
They said a shoot-out ensued during which three men from the group were shot, two fatally. Two other men escaped.
A 9-mm pistol and approximately 25 9-mm rounds of ammunition were allegedly seized.

Read more: http://www.jamaicaobserver.com/news/-500-000-bounty-for-alleged-Klansman-members_8488086#ixzz1G0J4IMJL:Text may be subject to copyright.This blog does not claim copyright to any such text. Copyright remains with the original copyright holder

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